The Old Testament
I. Pentateuch
- Genesis.
- Exodus.
- Leviticus.
- Numbers.
- Deuteronomy.
They are also referred to as the Law Books or Torah Law.
II. Historical Books
There are 12 Historical books and they record the history of the Israelites from the time they entered Canaan and settled until after the Babylonian exile.
- Joshua.
- Judges.
- Ruth.
- 1st and 2nd Samuel.
- 1st and 2nd Kings.
- 1st and 2nd Chronicles.
- Ezra.
- Nehemiah.
- Esther.
III. Poetic Books
There are five and contain words of wisdom. They are poetic in nature.
- Job.
- Psalms.
- Proverbs.
- Ecclesiastes.
- Songs of Songs.
IV. Prophetic Books
They contain the prophecies of the people of Israel. They are further sub-divided into two
- Major Prophets
They are referred to as Major Prophets because their messages cover a longer historical period and are five in number
- Isaiah.
- Jeremiah.
- Lamentations.
- Ezekiel.
- Daniel.
- Minor Prophets
The messages of these prophets cover a shorter historical period. There are twelve of them
- Hosea
- Nahum
- Joel
- Habakkuk
- Amos
- Zephaniah
- Obadiah
- Haggai
- Jonah
- Zechariah
- Micah
- Malachi